Yumigahama Beach BBQ Cottage

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TEL:0558-62-8080 (daily 09:00-21:00 Morimoto charge)

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The Japanese tariff

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Hello, everyone.

My name is Morimoto. I own/manage these beach cottages at Yumigahama, a beautiful beach on the southernmost tip of Izu Peninsula.

My cottages are located 30 yards from the Yumigahama beach. It is a very popular location in the summer, with many visitors.

Each cottage has a built-into the table BBQ on the porch with a covered terrace. Use of the BBQ, coal, and all necessary related accessories is complimentary.

Rates vary by season, from 9,800 yen to 42,000 yen per day per house.

The Japanese tariff.

Maximum occupancy is 5 people per house. The three log houses are designed for family use.

Each cottage is complete with kitchenware, television, and futon mattresses.

I am comfortable speaking English. Please feel free to contact me to book your reservation.

Tel :0558-62-8080
daily from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm
Morimoto charge

Or, E-mail

For your reference, I present a video diary given to me by Mr. Salmon, who stayed twice with us (July 2010 and July 2011). The footage was taken for his family and presented to me as a memory of our friendship.

I hope you will come here and spend a good time with your family.

Thank you,


TEL:0558-62-8080 (daily 09:00-21:00 Morimoto charge)


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Trafic Map
The Japanese tariff

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